Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What a Wierd, Opinionated World

This has been a very interesting couple of days. People I grew up with, some of whom I've known well and some I barely knew, have been expressing themselves.....alot....regarding the Healthcare Reform bill.  Now I don't think there is anything wrong with expressing opinions.  In fact, I routinely express mine.  But what I've read on my Facebook page, what I've seen on television; those things have been discouraging to say the least.  
Not surprisingly, I've seen several of my friends state fear about change, certainty that the country is going to hell, and deep resentment about having to take care of other people who may or may not have "earned" the help.  One person even went so far as to state that people should have to pass a drug test in order to qualify for health insurance programs.  Another added that if the drug test couldn't be passed, then that person should not be able to vote.  Crazy.

But what shocked me was when I saw a discussion single out "fatties".  In the opinion of the people on this discussion, overweight people are that way because of choices they make.  And why should the general public be asked to pay for insurance for these "fatties"?  Let them pay for their own and maybe they won't spend $$ on food.  I long suspected that a lot of the fear and anger being voiced was founded in racism and prejudice against the poor.  Now I find out that size discrimination is also rampant in these same people.

I posted on that particular discussion that being overweight was seldom a choice that people make.  That most people who are overweight wish they could get their lives under control, maybe even wish they were thinner.  Some are overweight because of medical conditions and side effects of medications.  Some are overweight for psychosocial reasons.  
So the only thing I can think to do is to remind them of one thing: 
"Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, that you do unto me".....Jesus Christ.

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